Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 3: Reflection about Delicious, Aural/Oral Skilled Building and Final Project.

1. Delicious: This week 3 I have leaned how to create the It's very brand new for me. I could share many different websites to people, in order to learn more effectively. Students could search, discover and use technology their study at the same time. Moreover, it would connect to compute or phone everywhere as long as you have internet access. After I have created this website already, I knew it's very easy to use. I could edit, rename, delete and other more options.

2. Aural/Oral Skilled Building : This week 3 is one of my favorite course. I love speaking, listening and pronunciation very much. Cambodian students are very poor in those three above.

Let's me share my personal experiences.

When I was a secondary school student, I did not speak much in the classroom. I would sit quietly and only speak if I was asked a question directly by my teacher. Then I would feel very nervous about whether my response was right or wrong. I did not feel brave and it was not easy for me to talk in English in front of my classmates, especially as they always laughed at me when I spoke, which made me feel very embarrassed. Consequently, I found it difficult to express my ideas or think clearly when I was asked a question. Also, because I wasn't given enough opportunities to speak in class, I never felt that I knew how to speak appropriately to my teacher.

It was not only me who felt this way, but all the students who studied with me at that time. Teachers did not allow us opportunities to speak or to share our knowledge or ideas in class. It seemed that they thought their spoken English was a perfect model and it was the duty of students to listen to them, even though their English probably was not perfect. I think this is not a good teaching/learning situation, because it does not give students the opportunities they need to practice their spoken English, let alone become confident speakers. We may typify this classroom situation as being teacher-centered. There is, however, another type of classroom. This is called learner-centered.

Hopefully these four links would help them to improve speaking, listening and pronunciation skills.

 3. Final Project: Author : Aleyda Linares, National Pedagogical University, Honduras

I think she's got a tough time to teach her students because there so many hard situation from her students. They came from the rural area and away from their family. They're Spanish, they would face a lot of problems in learning English. However, she knew the students' ability and situation. She set the clear course goals, understood why the students need, and adding the technology sources. It would help them to study or search next time. One more thing, she's good at motivation to her students. She found so many methods to teach them very effectively. She shown them how to us gmail account, doing assignment on blog, posts and comments. Finally, she gave feedback to every students very well. Hopefully I would take those methods to apply for my students in the near future.

Respectfully yours,

Davith Vann, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


Maria Molchanova said...

I loved the post you gave on Week 3.
I especially appreciated that you were brave enough to describe your personal experience (I mean you described the fears and restrictions you had when you were a student). I was also so afraid of speaking and preferred to listen to the teacher in my university years.
I think that shifting the focus from the teacher to the student is indeed vital.
Thank you!

All the best
Maria (Mocow, Russia)

Unknown said...

Hello Davith,

It was interesting reading your reflection post. I like that you shared a personal experience. I also like what you said about This is a great website which I had never heard of before this web skills course. Actually, I did not know it had smart phone apps until I read your blog post. This makes it even more convenient to use.

Thanks again, and good luck to all of us with the rest of the course!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Davith,

While talking about how your previous teachers used to behave, you raised quite an important point which is that they used to teach in teacher-centered classes.
The fact is that sadly so, many teachers nowadays carry on teaching following the same model. As far as I know, there are two major reasons lying behind that:
They either have no idea they shouldn't be teaching that way, for lack of proper training and professional development, or else they simply refuse any change as it may make them work harder.

Unknown said...

Hi Maria,

Now I could see that I'm not the only one who got fear of speaking English in the classroom. As long as I practice every day, I'm going to be good in speaking. Thank you so much.

Unknown said...

Hi Salah,

Well, I think I don't have to hide something or keep secret that was not good in my past. I want to share those experiences to those younger generations who want to improve their learning.

Unknown said...

Hi Mouna,

You're absolutely right!