Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 10: Advice to Future Participants and Evaluate your Use of Technology

After I have read on State of Washington: Tiers of Technology Integration. I think using technology have a lot easier for teachers. He said: "Locate standards using electronic tools to align lessons, Find instructional resources on the Internet, Produce, store, and retrieve learning materials electronically, Keep/organize student information, grades more effectively, and Communicate information to parents and students via web or e-mail quickly". Because it helps teachers and students very well. They could keep and store their assignments on internet forever as well. They can't lose them as long as they delete them.

I can not believe it. This is the last week for me to study with international instructor and classmates. In fact, this is my first time to study with different religions from around the globe. Moreover, I have noticed that I improved my writing, reading and critical thinking skills in many reasons. I am thankful for Courtney who always explained me very gently and kind. She's encouraged and inspired me to go further as an English teacher. Furthermore, my group members were Marie and Damia. They're such an incredible people to work with. I can not say thank you to the rest of my classmates who always supporting and commenting on my blog. It was really mean to me. They're push me to work harder everyday in my realize situations. Finally, I have written the academic essay for the future participates. Especially, Cambodian students.

Speak English Right
Helpful Tips from an English speaking Cambodian

English speaking is no easy task for someone born in a developing country. Cambodia is one of four developing countries in Southeast Asia where starvation and poverty threaten people in most parts of the country. According to thetriangle strategy’ implemented by the Cambodian government, Cambodia depends solely on four fundamental factors, namely: agriculture, industry, tourism, and education. The last factor, education, particularly in the English language is a vital part for a developing country, so I would like to explore the English speaking skills in Cambodian classrooms. There are three essentials technique to develop their English speaking skills such as, decreasing time spent studying nonessential grammar, speaking English with native speakers, and singing karaoke in English.

The first point, decreasing time spent studying nonessential grammar, can aid a student to start speaking, which is an vital part of learning. It is very good to know about grammar clearly because a student could pass an examination very easily. However, grammar would slow them down when they want to say or create sentences. They would pause for a little while in order to create the correct sentences in English by focusing solely on grammar. Similarity, they would not speak English fluently in the classroom or even in public. Sometimes it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into an easy sentence. Do not let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all. Even if you think you’re making mistakes, just keep speaking anyway. Most of the time, people will understand what you’re trying to say, even if you make mistakes. As you speak more, the easier it gets, and the right words will come to your mind more quickly. For instance, when I was in high school, I could not speak English at all, because I was very shy and nervous of making grammar mistakes. Although, when I studied in the freshman year at Pannasastra University of Cambodia, my attitude and behaviors have changed because I met a foreign teacher who taught a speaking development class. He came from America. He was friendly and kind. He encouraged and motivated me to speak English all the time, not caring whether my grammar rules were right or wrong, as long as I could practice and keep conversing.  I learned a lot more English when I followed his advice than at any other year.

The second point, speaking English with native speakers. It could help a student to improve their pronunciation, accent, intonation, and stress sound. Moreover, practicing English with native speakers help them to learn about something else as well. There could be culture, traditions, behaviors and attitudes. They would copy some good styles of living from them. Hence, I know it’s very hard to find foreigners to practice English with, but there are some ways to get a chance to talk to native’s speakers in English. From my personal experiences, I used to volunteer to work for a short time with NGOs, participated in workshops and conferences, joined English camp with foreign students, attended English class with foreign teachers, went to pub where foreigners frequent, and being taught by missionaries from The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. Because I sought out opportunities to speak I saw myself improving my English, and am now able to communicate very easily.

The third point, singing karaoke in English is a very fun way to practice fluency and memorization. The next stage after understanding and memorizing a song is obviously to sing it. Although some words have their pronunciation changed to fit in with a song, most of the words have the same sounds and stressed syllables as in ordinary speech. Remembering which words rhyme at the end of each line can also be a great method of beginning to learn English pronunciation. You can also speak those words when you have conversation in real life in your class or in public. For instance, I always sing English songs when I have free time at home. I am so happy while singing and I learn English at the same time. The first time that I hear a song it is very difficult to learn, because the lyrics are fast on the screen and there are a lot of hard words as well, however, after listening a few times I realized it was a fun and catchy way to learn English. I started to learn new words and how to pronounce words correctly and clearly. I realized that my pronunciation was vastly improved when I went back to my class. I’ve heard many words from the songs, so I speak them without mistakes. One more reason to practice English through singing, is that if you could listen to English songs often, it becomes easier to listen to English in normal life because people usually talk slower than songs.

Conversely, knowing grammar clearly makes you feel more confident about what are you saying to someone, because you know that you have no mistakes or errors in conversation. Truly, grammar is very important within the English language. It is the glue that holds the language together. Without the use of correct grammar sentences can become meaningless and its message is unclear. This means that you are not able to communicate effectively and the person who is reading your work may be quite confused about the meaning. In fact, grammar rules are the foundation of the structure that is the English language. In contrast, thinking about grammar rules too much makes you lack practice-speaking English, which is the most necessary part of learning. These are the barriers and troubles of speaking English; you might not get a chance to speak it out loud enough. Most of the time, you put yourself under pressure about making mistakes. I advise you to not let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all. Even if you think you’re making mistakes, please just keep talking anyways. Nobody on this earth is perfect in speaking English. So, please just make sure that you continue to communicate with your partners.

In conclusion, in order to learn English, decrease time spent studying nonessential grammar; speak English with native speakers and sing English karaoke. By following these steps, people all over the Cambodia would be able to speak English faster and with less fear.  These are some simple steps that could effectively quicken a person’s study of the English language.  I firmly believe that as English learners implement these strategies they can change the perception of Cambodia into a country that can do English conversation on an international scale.


Davith Vann (Cambodia)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Week 9: Learning Styles, and Final version of My Project Report

This week one of my classmate has asked me one question. He comes from Bangladesh. His name is Bashir. His questions was "Group work is wonderful. Students can learn from each other. But I do not think that group study caters for all types of learners especially for the introverts! They may not participate in group work!"

I think you should give them sometimes to think about benefits of group work first. And then, you encourage and motivate them to think positively in other people's ideas. You would show them that you're taking care of and explain them very much. Many opinions are better then one. Their ideas only would never be correct all the time. Moreover, they could not make it perfectly. Finally, learning and sharing from each other is the only way that they could grow, improve and succeed in the near future. I think it should make sense to you.

Cambodia is one among four developing countries in Southeast Asia in which starvation and poverty threaten people in most part of the country, particularly. According to the triangle strategy implemented by Cambodian government, Cambodia depends solely on four fundamental factors, namely agriculture, industry, tourism employs and lastly education. One of which education plays a vital role in shaping and operating the other three more factors effectively and efficiently due to the matter of fact that it builds human resources enormously. To illustrate, agriculture, industry and tourism factor will not be able to develop exponentially as long as education field is weak. Therefore, the conclusion can be summed up in a way that only education plays a larger comprehension role in making one country grow beyond it limit. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 8: Reflection on My First Draft of Project Report

Currently, I have finished my first draft of project report about "Building learner-centered English speaking practices with technology are introduced into Cambodian secondary school classroom". As I noticed, they did not get enough experience about speaking in the classroom to their teachers. They've just kept secret inside their brain. Furthermore, they did not know how to use technology that related to speaking skills so they are lack of speaking and technology using at the same time. That's why I raised these ideas and bring education for change to those younger generations for my country. One of the qualities that westerners admire in young Cambodians is their politeness, especially towards their elders. Such behavior might contrast with the young people they have encountered, possibly their own children, in western society, where students are not afraid to challenge their elders’ views, opinions and even their ‘old-fashioned’ behavior. Better facilities will enable students to become more active while retaining their traditional respect for teachers in the school and their elders at home. Improved classrooms will evolve at a rural pace that will not disrupt social harmony. Gradually some of the benefits of learner-centred classrooms will be appreciated and adopted. Young Cambodian will continue to be polite and charming while at the same time having more opportunities to develop their creative potential.

I do believed that they will actually change their attitude and behavior while I brought techniques of learner-centered in speaking practice with technology into my English class. One more thing, I have seen something enhance a little bit in their learning process. This is a good sign and makes me feel so happy for myself. So, I would never give it up in what I'm doing right now to help them. Even it might take sometimes to improve it. However, I'm going to make it happen for English class in Cambodian society in the future. 

On the other hand, It's been an incredible journey for me anyway. I could not believe in that I have gone so far way with these amazing people from different places. Moreover, I have noticed that I improved a lot with my critical thinking, sharing ideas, discussion with classmates and not procrastinate. Being an English teacher is not that easy job but I'll try my best to transfer my knowledge to those younger generations. Form this I can see that change and improvement is happening at English level as part of a natural process. Such developments will bring about social change and this is sure to be reflected in the classroom. Rather than impose change from without, which might not suit surrounding cultural norms, I can allow change to come about naturally from within the community so that social cohesion is maintained.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 7: TASK: Padlet, PROJECT STEP: Peer Review Partner, DISCUSSION: Learner Autonomy and More!

1. TASK: Padlet: I think is very easy to use. I have just double click on the screen. And then it allowed to update my documents, videos, and files very useful. It's very great website to share or transfer knowledge to learners. This is my sharing topic: Motivation and Learner Autonomy: Activities to Encourage Independent Study. Please have a look my created link:
2.  PROJECT STEP: Peer Review Partner: I have found 2 people for my peer review partner.
Their name are: 1. Maria Molchanova (Moscow, Russia) , 2. Damià Perpinyà (Barcelona, Spain). Hopefully I would work very great and exchange ideas with these wonderful people in the near future.
3.  DISCUSSION: Learner Autonomy and More: "E-portfolios can be an effective means to document both personal achievements and learning trajectories". I think when I keep my documents in one folder after I taught. It makes me feel confident what I have done because I had my files in order to prove something to my students. One more thing, I can go back to read them next time. And then I'll see what are my strengthen and weakness. That's how autonomy's doing on their learning or teaching. Learner Autonomy is the independent study for those learners who really want to get knowledge on their own. It's good for people who is really busy with their job or business. As long as they're completely finish their tasks on time, they will be successful in their learning.

Autonomy, Not alone is very correct. Because between teachers and students be able to talk, share, and discuss to each other through internet access. No matter what's it?, No matter where they are?, No matter across the world, No matter in different situation. They still keep in touch very well and fast even they write, read, think alone by themselves.  For instance, I got a scholarship to study this course from the University of Oregon, America. I would say this is kind of Learner Autonomy. Most of the time, I have read what's Courtney share or send to the classroom. And then we have discussed about the topic all together.

Computer and mobile device are the useful tools to access internet for Learner Autonomy. They could get through online every time and everywhere they're going to. Moreover, I could know people from different places around the globe. Furthermore, they can write or chat directly to their teacher or students. For example, this program has students from Spain, Russia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Cambodia and many more...etc. It was a good thing to learn with those wonderful people around the world. This is a life exchange experiences.

One other thing about phones, my school did not allow students to use in the classroom even I wanted them to use for studying about technology. I got blamed all the time when I did that to them. I think my students will lack of technology (Information of Technology) or they'll be poor in it. It was just not my own students even the whole institute. Because they did not have time to practice at school with technology. I have no idea what's my school principle thinking?. That's why Cambodian students did not know much about blog, log, journals, social media, and many more...

Davith Vann (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Week 6: DISCUSSION: Engaging Students, TASK: Create an *Interactive* Power Point and PROJECT STEP: Implement the Change

Hi colleagues,

1. Engaging Students: I do agree with Rosbenraver's idea. He said, "Teachers are being a facilitator or an actor for students". Because I could bring entertainment to students. I guided the fun way to learn. They enjoyed it very much. They wanted to study and happy at the same time. Their ages are around 8 to 20 years old. Moreover, when I devided them to work with peers or groups, I walked around and monitor them very carefully. One more thing, I did care of their homework and asignment. It was very effective with that methodology. Students will never forget their tasks that I had provided to them. They're happy to study with me even they've passed in my class. They did not want to continue their level because they wanted to study with me again. Finally, I explained them that you have to go on your level. However, you could come to visit me when you have a break time.

This kind of active engagement of students in their learning and use of English for genuine or simulated acts of communication is, as I have seen, rewarding and enjoyable. The whole class is using English to communicate and is focused on a topic they are all interested in and even excited about. This, after all, is why English medium instruction is so effective. Language acquisition studies have shown that when students are wrapped up in a topic which interests them, that is when they absorb the language.

An effective way of encouraging students to speak in English is to give them some language games. They enjoy the games and, naturally, this makes them feel more relaxed so that they are able to practice their English without becoming self-conscious. A game I have used in my own teaching is Bingo. I write some of my favorite fruits on the board and then give the students a few minutes to write 3 or 4 words in their notebook. Finally, they will speak the words that they have written when the game starts. It is easy for them to find their words and they have to say them individually. Even if their word is right or wrong, they will try to say the correct one. I remember one student who was so silent and shy, but I noticed that when we played this game, he grew very excited and spoke the words so loudly. I was very surprised when I saw him like that and I felt that it was a good thing that I could make him speak up in class. So I found that this method was effective in helping Cambodian secondary school students to say some words in English.

Another activity I have found effective is role-play, which can be based on just about any topic. I give my students a role and a problem to solve. Roles can be given on cards so the students can choose one, which makes it more like a game. The kind of roles and situations given are: (i) two neighbors discussing a barking dog; (ii) a customer speaking to a call center staff member about a problem; (iii) a parent explaining something to his/her child. In such dramatic situations I have found that students are happy to speak and perform their role, because they are performing a part in a drama, they don't feel they are being themselves and that is 

2. Create an *Interactive* Power Point: I usually use Power Point to teach my lessons. Because it's very useful and effectively. My students could see the lessons very clear. They could copy some notes to their books. One more thing, I can keep those files to teach my students for the next class. It helped me to save my time. So using Power Points slide is one of the best way in teaching students.

3.PROJECT STEP: Implement the Change: For instructors who have never experienced such a learner-centered classroom, however, this situation can be off putting, even intimidating, and for several reasons. Firstly, more activity in the classroom produces more noise, with students often working in pairs or groups. Other teachers might feel critical about this situation, because they mistake the noise of lively class discussion with ill discipline.

Secondly, an increase in student participation and activity requires more management, while, thirdly, this management requires more preparation time. While teachers might not have either the experience or the confidence to manage such a lively class, they might also be unwilling to have their workload increased – not to mention the increased marking required. When the students are activated, the teacher may feel that his class is getting out of control. While the students are working in pairs or small groups, the classroom can become noisy. The teacher might also not be comfortable with the idea that students are making mistakes which, moreover, are neither heard nor corrected. In this situation, the teacher who is not used to a learner-centred environment, begins to feel he is losing control.

Students, however, need to make mistakes, because that is how languages (including our mother tongue) are learnt. We learn by our mistakes, although, unfortunately, in a teacher-centred classroom this is not appreciated. There this exaggerated focus on grammatical correctness actually inhibits foreign language learners from using the language, from communicating in it, from speaking it. They are afraid of making mistakes, because their teachers have subjected any student who makes a mistake to constant criticism in front of their classmates. If, however, we want our students to use English to communicate, to speak without constantly monitoring for grammatical correctness, they must feel comfortable about speaking and not feel embarrassed or self-conscious about their ability or inability to speak fluently. They may be naturally shy, in which case the teacher needs to create an atmosphere in the classroom where students can feel relaxed and, through such activities as role play and drama, overcome such natural inhibitions. In the learner-centred classroom, the teacher's role is to facilitate and give encouragement and support.

In order to change what goes on in the classroom from a teacher centered to a more learner-centered methodology will take time, because it is not easy. More teachers need to be trained in learner-centered methodologies and such training also needs to be available for practicing teachers. In-service professional development courses and follow-up support from teacher training institutions will help teachers to bring about change, but the teachers themselves need to be exposed to different ways of teaching and learning. Hopefully this will happen during their university or college course.

We have seen that learner-centred classrooms are lively and can be quite noise. That is because the students are enjoying themselves; it isn’t a sign of ill discipline. Actually the students are using English enthusiastically during an enjoyable activity and this is the way they will learn the language effectively, especially with regards spoken English. Teachers, however, may feel intimidated by the energy and liveliness of students in such learner-centred classrooms. This is why they need support: support from their trainers, support from their head teachers and support from their colleagues. If such support is made available, it will help to bring about change and move the teacher centered type of classrooms that are to be found throughout Cambodia towards a more effective, learner-centred approach. The result will be that students in Cambodia will be able to improve their language acquisition, including their spoken English. 

Davith Vann (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Week 5: PROJECT STEP: Technology Related Change, DISCUSSION: Rubrics, Alternative Assessment, and PBL!,

I think technology is the only way that teachers and students could learn more about everything. They could search assignment, connect to teachers or classmates very easily. Moreover, they could send, discuss, documents and check their grade on the website.

I agree with Abdimitalip's idea, "Assessing the works of students, sometimes, can be really challenging". students would work hard to get high score when they challenging like that. I have seen many classes like that almost everywhere.

I agree with Darcy's idea, "It is important to highlight the role of the teacher in this process as a guide that motivates students to accomplish the goal". Teacher is the only person who could their good model for them to follow. Good motivation would help to see their bight future career.

I agree with Sandro's idea. He said, "The knowledge comes not only from the readings recommended, but also from sharing peer to peer, reflections about what we are doing". We could learn each other very effectively, even sometimes we don't really know each other. This is how the technology enhance from day by day.

This is my rubric link:
It could help students know how to write proposal research very clearly. Because it's very important for them to win a scholarship abroad.

This is my lesson plan:


Davith Vann (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week 4: Reflection about DISCUSSION: Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary Skills, PROJECT STEP: Describe a Class Issue, TASK: Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan.

1. DISCUSSION: Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary Skills : Using Internet-Based Children's Literature to Teach EFL. I think it's very good for those children's and young adult literature because nowadays internet is the only way to find the lessons of learning in L2. Reading is very good start for them but young learners, they don't really like to read a lot at the same time. They sometimes need to have fun and relax from their study. On the other hand, some websites has designed very attractively. It did catch their attention to learn with new materials, fun, colorful, and practice with animation pictures.

ABCD Objectives wanted student to know how to read, tell, and learn new vocabulary in their lessons. I do agree with these methods.These assignments might be spread over several weeks.
- Ask students with access to younger relatives to read and teach the English stories to their younger relatives.
- Ask future teachers of English to read simple stories and then design lessons for younger students.
- Ask students to keep a list of what they have read, brief summaries of stories or chapters, and new vocabulary learned.
- Have students do presentations on stories to "sell" them to other students.
- Have students create their own simple stories in English, possibly with illustrations.
I'm going to use these ideas to teach my students.

2.  PROJECT STEP: Describe a Class Issue: Previously, I used to teach one English class at BELTEI International Institute for 5 years. The class that I'm going to talk about is in level 4. They're young and adult learners form different places in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Moreover, they worked so hard to study English with me. They involved all activities that I provided to them.

The problems that they faced were lack of using technology, internet, computer and LCD projector. Because some of them has those material but they didn't. On the other hand, they did enjoy, excited, and happy in learning through technology.

Hopefully Cambodia's school would provide those useful materials and documents that related to technology in the near future.


Davith Vann (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 3: Reflection about Delicious, Aural/Oral Skilled Building and Final Project.

1. Delicious: This week 3 I have leaned how to create the It's very brand new for me. I could share many different websites to people, in order to learn more effectively. Students could search, discover and use technology their study at the same time. Moreover, it would connect to compute or phone everywhere as long as you have internet access. After I have created this website already, I knew it's very easy to use. I could edit, rename, delete and other more options.

2. Aural/Oral Skilled Building : This week 3 is one of my favorite course. I love speaking, listening and pronunciation very much. Cambodian students are very poor in those three above.

Let's me share my personal experiences.

When I was a secondary school student, I did not speak much in the classroom. I would sit quietly and only speak if I was asked a question directly by my teacher. Then I would feel very nervous about whether my response was right or wrong. I did not feel brave and it was not easy for me to talk in English in front of my classmates, especially as they always laughed at me when I spoke, which made me feel very embarrassed. Consequently, I found it difficult to express my ideas or think clearly when I was asked a question. Also, because I wasn't given enough opportunities to speak in class, I never felt that I knew how to speak appropriately to my teacher.

It was not only me who felt this way, but all the students who studied with me at that time. Teachers did not allow us opportunities to speak or to share our knowledge or ideas in class. It seemed that they thought their spoken English was a perfect model and it was the duty of students to listen to them, even though their English probably was not perfect. I think this is not a good teaching/learning situation, because it does not give students the opportunities they need to practice their spoken English, let alone become confident speakers. We may typify this classroom situation as being teacher-centered. There is, however, another type of classroom. This is called learner-centered.

Hopefully these four links would help them to improve speaking, listening and pronunciation skills.

 3. Final Project: Author : Aleyda Linares, National Pedagogical University, Honduras

I think she's got a tough time to teach her students because there so many hard situation from her students. They came from the rural area and away from their family. They're Spanish, they would face a lot of problems in learning English. However, she knew the students' ability and situation. She set the clear course goals, understood why the students need, and adding the technology sources. It would help them to study or search next time. One more thing, she's good at motivation to her students. She found so many methods to teach them very effectively. She shown them how to us gmail account, doing assignment on blog, posts and comments. Finally, she gave feedback to every students very well. Hopefully I would take those methods to apply for my students in the near future.

Respectfully yours,

Davith Vann, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Week 2: Reflection about ABCD Objective

I think ABCD Objective is very important for every levels of learners. Because it helps them to reach their direction and goal in any kind of activities task. These are the wonderful techniques that useful for teachers and students at the same. Moreover, it shown the different activities in learning process. It could help students to use their critical thinking very well to prepare their tasks, assignments, homework or other works in classroom or school. Finally, I will keep using the ABCD Objective method to my students and even myself in learning process.

Davith Vann, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Week 1: Refecltion about Creating and Teaching Blog

Hi Courtney and classmates,

I do agree with all Rubric for Discussion.

At the first time, I have found it very difficult to me because I had never met that kind of blog class at all before. Later on, I have seen many people successes to create that accounts, comments and share their thinking. I realized that I could make it as well. I promised myself never gave up in what I'm doing now. Those berries won't stop me. I must finish it. Finally, I got my own blog. That's interesting!


Davith Vann, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Week 1: Introduction

I’m Davith Vann, I’m single and from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (one country of ASEAN community).

Previously, I have graduated of Bachelor in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) at BELTEI International University. ( GPA: 2.90
Presenting, I'm a senior student of Bachelor in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Pannasastra University of Cambodia. ( GPA: 3.40

Before, I used to work an an ESL Teacher at Beltei International Institute for 5 years. Currently, I am an English Teaching Assistant at Pannasastra University of Cambodia for 2 years. My dream is to get a full tuition fee of Master of Education abroad. On the other hand, I just have got a small scholarship in Building Teacher Skills Through the Interactive Web at The University of Oregon.